Monday, February 25, 2013

LA 480 Final Photomontages

Final perspective images have been touched up and had minor changes made since the last submitted copies.  The entourage has been touched up and made consistent  and the shadows have been tweaked.  Small details were the finishing touches on these perspectives.    

LA 480 Diorama Photos

Monday, February 18, 2013

LA 480 Unit 4.2 Spatial Diagramming 75% Complete

The beginnings of spatial analysis of the city context of Jeffersonville, Indiana along the waterfront of the Ohio River.  Next steps for completion include inventory and analysis graphics to be overlaid.  The Ohio River, interstate 65, north arrow, etc. will be added as additional layers to complete the analysis aspect and make the structures of the layers self standing and graphically legible.

LA 480 Unit 3.1 Photomontages 75%

Entourage, Shadows, and other slight touch  ups have brought these photomontage perspectives to approximately 75% completion.  The next steps for these images to reach completion is to add specific details that make the picture unique.  Things I am thinking of are adding lights and vegetation to the pedestrian bridge of the third image, creating and interesting street scape in the middle image, and inserting a new floating stage structure into the top image.  These additions of unique characteristics would make the images more distinguishable, and also represent more details of my design that will be incorporated into my project.  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

480 Unit 1 "Who Are You"

The diagram plan of the Brooklyn bridge park is a successful image of depicting the project site that was bounded by the existing features of the city.  It is a simple and clean image of what is to be accomplished.  

This is an image that i would consider a 'moneyshot'.  It communicates the designed spaces very well and without going into too much detail.  The image shows enough, but not too much.  Images in this type of landscape can often seem to become too cluttered of muddy with the adjacent skyline and building infrastructure.  The project site 'pops' and stands out as an image that gives you a comprehensive look at the project in its entirety. 

 These images are composed as perspectives and show the detailed interaction and use of specific spaces within the project.  I think that these images are successful in giving a good sense of place to the viewer by depicting these spaces in heavy use by patrons. 

These last two images are diagrams that are paired with perspective views.  These drawings compliment each other extremely well and give you a more complete understanding of where the space is located, how it is intended to function, and how you can expect it to be used upon completion.  
I believe that all of these images are extremely good examples of professionally composed graphics.  They are all clean, functioning, readable, and realistic.  The combination of these drawings together have given me a good understanding about the project and its goals, and would be great examples for me to try and match in my own graphics this semester and in my future career.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

480 Unit 3 Early Stages of Diorama Development

These images of early diorama perspectives are coming in handy while trying to visualize what can happen in a space for my comprehensive project.  The few images that I do have work well, but more types and varieties will be coming soon to fully explore some more unconventional and possibly inspiring activities. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

480 Unit 2.2 25% complete photomontages

These three images are the beginnings of creating realistic photomontages that depict the Jeffersonville, IN waterfront.  The first steps were to remove unwanted features that the sites already held such as light poles, hand rails, construction equiptment, etc. I am currently in the process of adding a variety of plant material, not really focusing on the exact species requirements or suitability of plants, but more on the form, texture, and placement.  I think that this will give me a good base to edit later and inform conceptual design.  I did not intend on these exact images to depict final design concepts, but only inform future decisions and encourage more realistic visualizations.  

The next step for these images is to add a wide variety of active entourage into the scenes.  Adding people into these images will really bring them to life and really show what I want to happen in these spaces.  I also need to finish up some edges and add more variety of materials to some surfaces.  

These images are beginning to come together, but are far from being considered "finished".