Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Additional Sections

These sections are coming along nicely I believe.  The top one is of the street relation of building fronts to the entry plazas, urban swale, sidewalk, and road.  It was produced completely in photoshop.  The bottom section is a autocad base of line work that shows that built swale.  It needs to be labeled still, and serves as an illustrated detail drawing.  I believe i am going to fade the color even more that currently, because it takes away from the linework, which was the purpose of the drawing, and it also looks too similar to the one above it.  

Photomontage Perspective Updates

The final steps to these photomontages were to add more shade, shadow, and entourage.  My favorite one is the first one.  A dusk rendering of an amphitheater that has a floating stage and cantilever structure.  I think that these images have come a long way, but i still see areas that i could improve on.  The image of the ramp landing area is one where i just cant seem to get everything to come together and look cohesive.  I think these images communicate my design effectively overall, and look well designed and though out when placed to images of the existing conditions.       

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Photoshop Sections

These sections were produces in photoshop with only a couple of hours of work on each one.  As I do more and more they go faster and faster.  They are becoming a quick and illustrative way to depict the separations of spaces.