Monday, February 4, 2013

480 Unit 2.2 25% complete photomontages

These three images are the beginnings of creating realistic photomontages that depict the Jeffersonville, IN waterfront.  The first steps were to remove unwanted features that the sites already held such as light poles, hand rails, construction equiptment, etc. I am currently in the process of adding a variety of plant material, not really focusing on the exact species requirements or suitability of plants, but more on the form, texture, and placement.  I think that this will give me a good base to edit later and inform conceptual design.  I did not intend on these exact images to depict final design concepts, but only inform future decisions and encourage more realistic visualizations.  

The next step for these images is to add a wide variety of active entourage into the scenes.  Adding people into these images will really bring them to life and really show what I want to happen in these spaces.  I also need to finish up some edges and add more variety of materials to some surfaces.  

These images are beginning to come together, but are far from being considered "finished".

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